Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just be ordinary!

"This is the Day" was my hastily chosen title for a web log that was yet to be. I've changed it for two reasons: (1) I think I'm actually starting to enjoy writing this and (2) I want it to be meaningful and actually encapsulate what I want to convey here.

I've been thinking about ordinary people for the past few months. The "heroes" in the Bible are mostly ordinary - commonplace; nothing special; sometimes they start out less than ordinary - ready for redemption. We've been taught to place them on a pedestal, but really, if we look at them closely, it's all there - their faults, challenges, character flaws. That's the beauty of the story - that something ugly, tragic or wrong becomes the foundation for something unexpected, wonderful and transcendent. That's God at work.

We all enjoy hearing the story of the underdog; someone who achieves something extra-ordinary despite overwhelming difficulties. I am going to share some stories like that here.

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